Howdy there! I'm Astraea Kathleen Florence. Astraea is the Greek goddess of innocence and justice; the name also means "Starry Night" - just like the works by Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch. Florence is a nickname I acquired via tumblr due to a collective misunderstanding of a Florence + the Machine reference. Kathleen's just my normal middle name. My pronouns are whatever suits your fancy.
Currently, I'm a very young adult, as well as an artist, musician, writer, collector, YouTuber and future educator. At one point, I cosplayed, and may return to it. I'm also a mermaid, both in the otherkin sense and the hobbyist/artist/sport sense - I am hoping to get PADI certification soon.
I've always been fascinated by mermaids, dolls, and home movies - it's what led me to my obsession with YouTube as a youngin'. I really like looking at people's Neocities sites, as it harkens back to my days of 2010 fantasy blogs and American Girl doll galleries. I hope this page brings you a little nostalgia as well.
As for the other personal stuff, not just my oft-underpursued creative endeavors...
I am Texan, and proudly a country boy... girl. boygirl :). Speaking of, I'm a dyke, and I treasure my sapphic love (and my sapphic lover)! I am also a we. I'm a Christian, but I have other spirituality alongside Scripture, and zero interest in fundamentalism. I believe in feminism, youthlib, queer & disability rights, religious freedom, bodily autonomy, anti-racism, and anti-censorship. I am sick in the head and disabled in the bones. I also think "cringe" is dead and kindness is holy :D!
I really enjoy haunted attractions, photography, writing essays, and playing guitar. I'm oddly fond of cashiering and bagging groceries. I have three dogs; Gracie, Ronin, and Artemis. I'm genuinely obsessed with fictional angst and gore and that is reflected in my content. I've got an utterly horrible sleep schedule. I have an unhealthily codependent relationship with cranberry grape juice. And if you're wondering how the hell to pronounce my name, I recommend "uh-stray-uh", or something like estrella in Spanish.